Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflective Final

  1. Explain one or two ways my writing has improved (or not). Include a few examples from my posts over time, with analysis and links to the original posts, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.
  2. Choose one post. (My favorite? My least favorite? The one that surprises me the most when I reread it?) Analyze it in detail. Explain the "behind-the-scenes" of how it was written, what it truly means, where its inspiration came from, etc.
  3. Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Over this year I can’t say the techniques and methods of writing did not improve over the years. For I found that my writing over the year focus’s more to facts, quotes, and non fictional or more like supported ideas. I’m not complaining this type of writing, for it is the type that most colleges love to see in students. However I feel like all these methods over time have taken out my creativity as I like to call it. For my writing can now be recognized whenever as before it was an on going mystery where my limit to writing styles was endless.

For I find where I right opinionated instead of supportive or agreeing completely dominant over the others. For my point is more interrogated, and I feel myself through out every word. Here is an example of this:

“The main point of my post here is a response/argument against Stan's Re:Facebook Post about how Facebook can (sometimes) be truly addicting. My response post here is to rebuttal against Stan's thoughts and ideas towards what the power and effect of the social network facebook has towards people in general, and people of ASTI.

I will admit, in the begging of the year facebook had been a certain type of study hall for me and several students that formed some homework/study group. Towards the end of the first semester (and mostly now). This is mostly due to the point of were facebook has become more interesting. I tend to have more friends who would go on now, so it wouldn't be an-hour-a-day thing, it would result to being and over 3 hour a day process, where no homework is down. I agree one hundred percent with Mr. Sutherland's idea/theory, where the amount of homework we achieve wouldn't be so high in hours, if we were to do homework if a certain amount of hours straight with no breaks (especially facebook).”


In this argument I found my self arguing through out the whole post, for I had felt every single word of it and I was determined to express every point in my mind regarding the topic. The aggression in this post represented what I wanted to point across in this post. For when I right without concern of it being a fact or proven correct, I find myself in the argument not just me supporting. Although I seem to represent quite much in arguments or when it comes to getting defensive against a topic, when I’m writing about my life or experiences I find my self gettin creative with ideas and I begin reliving these moments, so as I’m writing I remember it part for part.

Example of this improved writing:


Another that I have also no clue is about, although it relates in a post once due a while back... Here it is: http://sha2owzblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/development-or.html

I come from an universe unique and never there to be seen. Best part about that is it shows the Earths true colors are among with my favorite colors. They say most of the Earth is made out of water, and I say the way I drink it's water it might as well be made out of me. My hair consists with a trendiness amount of deep color. However, that not being the color of blue,night, and green like the Earth's center and even the mighty “Crust”! The dreams that come out from beneath me seem to conquer most lies when perhaps bluffing. Traveling has always been my theme; however, it never seemed like traveling suit out to be my most major or popular thing. The extra particular material of my body is not a relative term. It's not even a proper adjective. Perhaps it is just the material accumulated in my body from consuming those extra calories. I don't own my own car or maybe you can say I already may have, but not that soon? Although, I somehow have this car I am still not in the age of properly driving this “jeep”. Perhaps up in maybe 2 more years I'll most likely be past my permit and holding onto my drivers license. It may seem to look like I love to wear all these colorful colors, although I am highly seen with blue jeans and black sweaters. Can you guess who am I?”

Monday, May 2, 2011

My peer Review Comments

Here are the comments I left for my tablemates' rough drafts...

For Eric:

Yeah I Agree with Victor about the adding more quotes, not just to complete the word length, but also to support your summarized views. You can also sort out your post a little better, although it's not one whole chunk of words.. it gives off that appearance. And it wouldn't hurt to support your opinions with quotes from the book.

For Justice:

It looks like you got the draft organization parts under control and all. You don't seem to meet the expectation of word length, although this draft does look quite complete and well thought out to me. Your quotes are valid and supported, just be sure to cite your sources; other than that great work.

For Bassam:

I think you need to add more questions to expand not only upon the word length, but also upon the understanding of the book. I can't say i don't agree with whom ever it may be, but you don't even have a well putout introduction atleast include TAGS. It wouldn't hurt to elaborate and explain things either.