Friday, November 12, 2010

Facebook; Harmful or Not?

The main point of my post here is a response/argument against Stan's Re:Facebook Post about how Facebook can (sometimes) be truly addicting. My response post here is to rebuttal against Stan's thoughts and ideas towards what the power and effect of the social network facebook has towards people in general, and people of ASTI.

"Facebook is the most addicting thing that I can think of."
"I agree with this statement completely. If I'm writing an essay on the computer then several times ill say to myself "oh well I'm just going to check really quick." Then 40 minutes later I see that I am on facebook talking to random people or maybe I have seen a link on facebook and now I am looking at more video's on you tube or something related. Another case is that I am upstairs doing my math and I'll say to myself oh my parents won't mind if I check facebook really quick. Then 30 min later again i will find my self conversating. I think that I need to just not go on facebook for about 2-3 weeks so that I become less addicted to it. But what I don't understand is how can a program that is actually quite uninteresting is so addictive."

First off, I would like to clear up on how I agree with Stan on the most part. However, where our ideas come apart is the part where he describes facebook as now-and-days overall truly addicting. For one, yes I will admit if I would be doing any homework on the computer, I would for one, ”say to myself "oh well I'm just going to check really quick." Then 40 minutes later I see that I am on facebook talking to random people or maybe I have seen a link on facebook and now I am looking at more video's on you tube or something related.” Although I tend to find facebook honestly helpful when it some times comes down to not understanding, or forgetting a homework assignment. I will admit, in the begging of the year facebook had been a certain type of study hall for me and several students that formed some homework/study group. Towards the end of the first semester (and mostly now). This is mostly due to the point of were facebook has become more interesting. I tend to have more friends who would go on now, so it wouldn't be an-hour-a-day thing, it would result to being and over 3 hour a day process, where no homework is down. I agree one hundred percent with Mr. Sutherland's idea/theory, where the amount of homework we achieve wouldn't be so high in hours, if we were to do homework if a certain amount of hours straight with no breaks (especially facebook).

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