Friday, December 3, 2010

Responce Post

The post that caught my attention happened to be the post "Don't Prove it" -Stan. The reason I stopped upon this post instead of any other post was due to the devastating discussion that was going on about above and beneath it.

"What I dislike is when people try and convince me of their religion, yes, i can respect that they have their own beliefs but it doesn't mean that these ideas have to be opposed onto me. The way I see it there is no scientific evidence that god exists, or even Jesus for that matter. Asking me "Oh yeah? then where did the world come from?" is not even going to help prove god anyway. If I thought what you are trying to explain was correct, then wouldn't I already be a part of that religion? And besides, If i am respecting the fact that you have your own beliefs, then why can't you respect mine?"

This Quote that directly came from Stan's deep understanding seems to bring not just upon me, but upon many others who see the need for the proof and respect in religion. Stan's idea of him disliking when people try and convince him to their religion seems okay to me and I could strongly agree with it. Something I seem even to even agree with more is the fact that Stan states that he can respect that others have their own beliefs but it doesn't mean that their ideas have to be opposed onto him. This is something i would totally like people to do for me, but i just have to accept that not everybody will. The main thing I disagree with you Stan is about how you expect others to respect your expectations about religion, although you can't tend to stick to your own promise of respecting others religions. I can say this by stating out that every person tends to have an opinion of ones religion, thoughts, and ideas. This could be in a negative way, and it can be in a positive way. Most importantly I respect your expectations and I tend to commit to doing so.

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