Monday, November 8, 2010

~Responce 2 book~

Looking back at my earlier post, my opinions and the way I see Amir as not only a person but as a friend an kind person toward the world has changed a lot in reading the last section.

"What had jumped out on me while reading the first couple of chapters of this story were my impressions towards the characters in the story, and the impressions the characters had upon themselves and each other. To start it off, what mostly caught my attention through this section of the book was the so called “relationship between Amir and Hassan. The first question that comes to mind is. “Did Amir even care about Hassan in terms of being friends or just kids who grew up together.'? Or did he just see him as an outsider and treated him like dirt because of popularity and terms of fitting in. At the begging of the story it seems that Amir respected Hassan as he was an adult, but as a child he tried his hardest to not get into a serious friendship with Hassan. Leaving Hassan to struggle and fight on his own in times when Hassan needed Amir the most. On the other hand, Hassan stuck up for Amir when in trouble and in need of help."

Reflecting on my words, i noticed that Amir has showed his guilty feeling through out his tough times dealing with the deaths of his friends and beloved ones. After loosing so many of his loved ones, he takes a risk of leaving the women he loves (knowing that almost everyone else in his life is dieing) just to go visit an ill friend, Rahim Khan.

After realizing who Hassan really was, it made Amir feel like his father was a sinner, a thief that lies. On the impressions of Amir, Baba's sins seemed to relief him of his own actions. After hearing the story about Hassan's death, Amir after deep thinking and thoughts of greed, but covered up with guilt; takes matters into his hands by heading over to a Orphanage.

This quote explains Amir's realization of guilt, and how he dealt with it. To me it also shows how Amir type of character can ignore most tragedies in his life. For example, Amir felt ashamed about letting Hassan down by not rescuing him, yet the way he faced his problem was by isolating Hassan from

That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.”

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