Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal: Is Wikileaks overall more harmful or more beneficial to society?

First things first, this subject of rebuttal is toward Elizabeth's WIKI Leaks Arguement post.
One of the arguments against what Wikileaks is doing is that it could be considered treasonous and a threat to national security. It is not considered treasonous because technically the Wikileaks team doesn't even operate in the United States. That's right, they don't live here! It is also not a threat to our national security because 1) there isn't actually any strategies of upcoming battles that the military uses churned into the cyberspace, and 2) if terrorists were going to attack America using information that Wikileaks releases, wouldn't they have done so already?

Okay, so here's the thing with your opening statement towards wiki leaks. Your debate questions, topics, and concern points towards what wiki leaks has caused is excellent, even beyond words. However, the only thing holding your points, and arguments back is the EVIDENCE!!!

You have no proof that terrorists are not planning some big surprise attack against America. after all the 9/11 incident was said to be hidden within the governments and Presidents knowledge. If you can pull up some article on why terrorists would be holding back against some big attack would be great for your backup evidence. Also, the same goes for your main points towards national security issues with wiki leaks.

However, if you focused on how you plan to back up your plans regarding the anger that the people of America will release if the truth remains hidden from the people. Then you would be going further into the debate rebuttal ( a level 3 concern and point towards wiki leaks).

You don't want a government lying to you right? If the government does something and doesn't tell it's people what's going on, you can imagine how peeved off people would be when they found out. Especially if it's not the actual government that tells them.

Just image the riots, protests, and conflicts that will be let out if the Government keeps up his crap of concealing documents from what he calls "the people" of America. Prove this point, and your debate will be off the hook! Not including the rest of the proof and evidence I recommended that you include. For the record, I totally agree with you, and will have your back when the debate upfront finally comes.

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