Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CalViNo 3sSaY

Paragraph 1

As the Dinosaur known as Qfwfq went to get a drink from an old, well known Spring of his, he came across a type of species known as “New One”, the species was also a female who he found to be drinking at his spring. He goes up softly and tries to get a drink unnoticed because he doesn't want her to find out about his true identity as a Dinosaur, as she approaching him with a conversation he becomes surprised she doesn’t notice what he is. He reacts to her sentence with great paranoid/ fear about how this Spring was a Dinosaur's.

Oh, yes, that's what we call it. The Dinosaur's Spring.......that's been its name since ancient times. They say that a Dinosaur hid here, one of the last, and whenever anybody came here for a drink the Dinosaur jumped on him and tore him limb from limb. My goodness!”

What this quote has truly showed me is that Qfwfq's true nature is the act of surviving depending on whatever is necessary for him to survival. It also describes how his anger and viscous act of being paranoid allows the ability for him to kill. He has within him an angry and violent background and nature. I don't truly blame him for what he does. He has been alone for years and learned to only relay on him self. He had been a Dinosaur for quite some time and not even noticed, so protective about his identity. Although, he has an alternative personality, he does learn to let others into his life and trusts them in no time.

Paragraph 2

As Italo Calvino begins his story “The Dinosaurs”, he starts it off with describing how Qfwfq is the last Dinosaur. He describes how Dinosaur's were roaming the world for 150 million years. All the Dinosaur's start to become extinct. He also gets into the topic of how all Dinosaur's had went through a stressful moment he describes as “The Great Death”.

I prefer not to think back to the period of the great death. I never believed I'd escape it. The long migration that saved me led me through a cemetery of fleshless carcases, where only a crest or a horn or a scale of armor or a fragment of horny skin recalled the ancient splendor of the living creature.”

What this quote shows me through deep understanding is that Qfwfq is truly frightened inside. Knowing he's the only last one of his kind. The Great Death had killed every single Dinosaur Qfwfq had probably ever known. As of him knowing that fear still lives within him, being paranoid is probably the natural reaction one would expect from Qfwfq. Maybe this even explains the reasons of his natural behavior from being violent and a limb tearing monster into a soft understanding judged creature.

Paragraph 3

Although, this may sound so real. This quote leads from a discussion between Qfwfq and Fern-flower who Qfwfq met at the Dinosaur Spring. As Qfwfq approaches Fern-Flower he decides that he wants to open up with her and tell her who he is and what his true identity truly is. As he tries to start the conversation of theirs slowly, he asked her; what her dream had been last night? She answer with the quotation below.

She hung her head. “I saw a wounded Dinosaur, writhing and dying. He had bowed his noble, dedicate head, and he suffered and suffered......... I looked at him, couldn't take my eyes off him, and I realized I was feeling a strange pleasure at seeing him suffer...”

I find that this quote is most interesting because of what she see's in her dream. Through her description of the dream she had an image of a Dinosaur suffering which caught my attention. In the end of her quote I began to wonder how Qfwfq had felt about the part of how she enjoyed seeing the Dinosaur suffer with great pain. Although this quote is truly unique, it is also confusing in a lot of ways. I couldn't trully make out who thought's about the dream was being expressed. Did Fern-Flower know that Qfwfq was a Dinosaur and her dream was just to upset him?

Friday, September 24, 2010

~Freedom Post/Continuation of Horse Ancestors ~

This post is a sort of continuation of my other post which can be located here. The purpose of this quote is to support evidence and proof of my information from the Blog post that can be linked to above. This not only lists sources and links to info, it supports my latest post in a different and various amount of ways.

"This small dog-sized animal is the oldest found horse ancestor that lived about 55 million years ago.”

"The earliest evidence of this “little horse” is found in the middle Eocene of Wyoming, about 2 million years after the first appearance of Hyracotherium. The two genera coexisted during the Eocene, although Orohippus fossils are not as numerous or as geographically widespread as those of Hyracotherium. Fossils of Orohippus have been found in Eocene sediments in Wyoming and Oregon, dating from about 52-45 million years ago."

"The "middle horse" earned its name. Mesohippus is intermediate between the eohippus-like horses of the Eocene, (which don't look much like our familiar "horse") and more "modern" horses. Fossils of Mesohippus are found at many Oligocene localities in Colorado and the Great Plains of the US (like Nebraska and the Dakotas) and Canada. This genus lived about 37-32 million years ago."

"Species of Miohippus gave rise to the first burst of diversity in the horse family. During the Miocene, over a dozen genera existed. m about 32-25 million years ago."

"Parahippus appears to be the evolutionary “link” between the old forest-dwelling horses and the modern plains-dwelling grazers. Species in this genus lived from 24-17 million years ago."

"Merychippus represents a milestone in the evolution of horses. Though it retained the primitive character of 3 toes, it looked like a modern horse.. Species in this genus lived from 17-11 million years ago."

"Grandfather" to the modern horse, Pliohippus appears to be the source of the latest radiation in the horse family. Species in this genus lived from 12-6 million years ago."

"Dinohippus is believed to be the closest relative to Equus, the genus that includes the living horses, asses and zebras. Dinohippus fossils are found in the Upper Miocene of North America and date from 13 - 5 million years ago."

represents a milestone in the evolution of horses. Its long legs allowed it to escape from predators and migrate long distances to feed. It had high-crowned cheek teeth, making it the first known grazing horse and the ancestor of all later horse lineages. Species in this genus lived from 17-11 million years ago."

Sources: For more information: visit http://chem.tufts.edu/science/evolution/HorseEvolution.htm

~ Response 2 Evolution~

The quote i found most interesting while surfing through posts just happened to be Mercedes quote talking and explaining "Evolution" by using examples of fossils through horses and there ancestor(s); which could be found here, the reason why i found this the most supportive and interesting is because Evolution seems as a topic that can go on for centuries. I have a whole lot of information about evolution, and i would like to let it out: So lets get started!!

"Evolution is an interesting subject, one that affects us all. Take a look at fossils you can find in almost every museum, and compare them to the knowledge we have of their current descendants. Note the similarities and the differences in the following two skeletons, The Prehistoric horse and the modern one":
"To successfully navigate their terrain, prehistoric horses were about 3 feet tall, lacked
fetlocks,which are ankle joints, and had cloven hooves. Modern day horses average at twice that size, have their "ankle" joint further down, and their hooves have become solid. Why"?

I find Mercedes example to be quite unique and I also agree with her on some parts she used, which were really good examples. However, im going to have to disagree with some of her evidence and conclusions. First off i would like to ask if it's alright with her, where did she obtain this information, is it most likely Valid or in validity, is it in a process were it could be criteria/ tested ? On the looks of her images, i would say the prehistorical horse was much taller and had longer sized legs. So how is it possible to say that they were twice as large. This post is just to sustain Mercedes point in Evolution.
Well heres another post of mine that is based upon regime that supports my analysis with even more proof of just two horses and hoof similarities. My research mostly not only supports the idea that about 55 million years ago Evolution took place with a certain type of horse's and continued to adapt and change over time until we received our modern day horse. No, i also helped facilitate her post, by supporting her reasoning. There is atleast nine different types of horses that are all linked together through common ancestors. This may even be a recent acquisition to the museum .Each one of these horses had there own name or description of type that was Marginal. They all had different features, body structures that fitted them for their own environment. The nine horses types of horses that lived through out our time are Hyracotherium, Mesohippus, Miohippus, Parahippus, Merychippu once a diverse family of horses with great emphasis. Maybe i do not have the right discretion to say what i am saying, but's its what i base my hypothesis on.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

~TeN Vocabulary~ WOrd!!

  1. Analysis
  2. Facilitate
  3. Acquisition
  4. Marginal
  5. Criteria
  6. Regime
  7. Emphasis
  8. Sustainable
  9. Discretion
  10. Validity

Friday, September 17, 2010

~Freedom of Posting Choice~

All's Well That Ends Well

It all began as I was walking on my way to school when I shoved Billy's books down to the ground. I sarcastically apologized, then pick up his books and hand them back. Afterwards I knocked them down again and turned my back around so my back was facing the poor boy. As I found the pleasure in terrifying this particular little sitting-duck, I let out a cheesy smile to frighten him. Sooner or later, I found the puny little pest wandering around during passing period in my hall. I couldn't resist the urge to lift up his drawers. Right that second, he ran lacking half of his underwear and barging into his class. The next day while walking off to class I didn't see the puny little brat with his enormous backpack and Red Sox cap. Finally the days passed, and I found the boy walking through my path as I towards him. His brother, Joe, approached me with fury in his dreadful eyes. A tall, skinny male, so angry and pale. I could see he was furious and full of hate, most likely because of the vicious look he had. Suddenly, everything became all dark and black.

Next paragraph is the mixture of some random story of 2 places i just seemed to put together. One describes a happy positive place, that takes the main characters mind off of some awful place that he doesn't accept as something forgetful or full of respect/love.

L'Engle ECHO Final

(a) The quiet, calm, and tranquility of the new neighborhood just wasn't working out for James; yet he imagined that he was still at his backyard playing duck, duck, goose. (b) The indolent habit in the people of James' new neighborhood had frustrated him; he complained how none of the townspeople ever came out of there homes. (c) The streets were always empty because of the terrorizing of mobsters that roamed the streets. The side walks were full of tumbleweed that happened to always roll around, just as it did in the Texas standoffs. (d) The sun was beginning to pack up for the night, taking along with it James' afternoon. (e) His new dinner sometimes gagged him like he had just swallowed paste from canned food. (f) The windows and sheets of his bedroom were all broken and torn up, his bed was made out of old cheap wood, stained old dirty sheets ,and loose spirals It was so low quality that he even decided the ground was much safer. (g) Outside there wasn't even a single jogger or even a thief. He couldn't bear thinking of his poor qualified and unwanted neighborhood. So instead he chose to close his eyes and imagine. Although he knew he would be terrified by his new neighborhood tuning against him and becoming a nightmare, he subdued it all with the memories of his old.

~Response 2 Graffiti~

First off, I would just like to say that i am fully aware that several people have already chosen Luis's Graffiti Blog, (see below as for post well).

"Some people might say that urban art or “graffiti” is bad for the community and for people. I do not think that urban art is bad for any reason. Urban art is not necessarily destruction of property, I think of it as more of coloring or decorating the city. Most of the property being painted is not even being used. I agree that urban art should not be done on important places such as religious places, cemeteries, and so on. In urban art, there are some rules. Some rules are like: no tagging on churches or places of worship; no tagging cars or houses; no going over someone who is a lot better than you unless its beef; do not tag your personal property (except of course black books and such); no tagging over murals or memorials; and do not tag on schools. The people who do not follow these rules are not considered writers, and those are the people that give urban art a bad name".

As i stated above i am aware of the usage of this particular post. However, i felt like this quote was the most touching and reflective post of the "blogs available for me to read". What i find most interesting about this post is how Luis tries to express how he feels about "graffiti" and the reasons why it shouldn't always be considered as a harmful/ sinful type of felony. He wants to show that graffiti to him is art, it doesn't have to be on walls and doesn't even have to do anything with breaking the laws. I also want to show kudos on how he explains the little things noticed by most anti-graffiti people (including police articles).

These artists ( Dream, Banksy, C212, Dan Witz, and Judith Supine ) , who are known all over the world. Dream was murdered in Oakland, CA on February 17, 2000. Dream was a well-respected Oakland Area Graffiti Artists and a friend to many graffiti artist worldwide. He was surely and will surely be missed forever. He had inspired millions of artists to fight for what they believed in.

"Dan Witz, an artist i never really knew until i researched him on the internet; Dan is a street artist in New York City. He is mostly famous for his hummingbirds and realistic lifelike portraits that look almost as if they were photographs taken. Judith Supine is known for an unusual type of street art that non like her preform. His ( i use to believe she was a female but after study i understood) work is colorful, bright and usually made up of various mediums an of sizes including "paste ups" ( which is mostly art on sticky paper, that gets stuck on walls, cars etc.) and "aerosol" ( a very toxic pollution and dangerous gas that comes from a spray can). Supine's work is a kind of graffiti pop art ( art that looks 3D pops out to viewers). C215 is a young French graffiti artist whose work is found is mostly found in France. However, its been spreading all around the world. C215 is know for his elaborate stencil graffiti work. He has been known to paint everything from portraits of his daughter. Who must be a serious inspiration to him. to whom he is deeply devoted, to portraits of "pure evil" and beautiful romantic scenes. C215 is not as hidden or reclusive as many other graffiti artists, many of these artist seem to want to seek to remain anonymous and stay anonymous and there work is noticed but not known ." ( some info from available sources )

The reason why i talk about this; is because of the great things these artists did. Not all of them are vandals, yet some maybe. However, from what i seen i don't think any of these "artists" deserved or even yet deserve any type of brutal death. In all the ways that art is done or even created i believe it should be respected. That's why I chose Luis post, i wanted to let out the feelings that me and him both reflected through-out graffiti.

Sources: http://www.life123.com/arts-culture/art-history/graffiti/famous-graffiti-artists.shtml


Monday, September 13, 2010


Unborn babies are innocent human beings from the moment of conception. They have a fundamental right to life which must be protected. The Sixth Commandment of the Bible's Old Testament (Exodus 20:13) is "Thou shalt not kill." Abortion involves killing a human being and defies a commandment from God. According to Janet L. Hopson, science textbook writer and instructor at San Francisco State University, fetuses are capable of feeling pain by week 12. Abortion is wrong because it inflicts pain on a living defenseless human being. The original text of the Hippocratic Oath, the oath that doctors traditionally take when swearing to practice medicine ethically, forbids abortions. One section of the oath reads: "I will not give a woman a pessary [a device inserted into the vagina] to cause an abortion." The modern version of the Hippocratic Oath written in 1964 by Luis Lasagna also forbids abortion in its line, "Above all, I must not play at God."

Abortion is an instrument of genocide against African Americans. Black women are 4.5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.1,876 black babies are aborted every day. Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the US. In less than three days in 2010 more black babies are killed by abortionists.

"There is no reason at all for abortion! I don't want nothing bad to happen to babies! If my mom had an abortion i would not be here... If people want a child they should not be having sex! A child's life is way more important. It doesn't matter if you where raped or not, a child's life is 40 trillions times more important than mine." John, Apr. 22, 2010 "I think abortion should not be made illegal because if you didn'n a society that does not value the human, individual life, which is really quite sad. We don't hold people responsible for their actions, we create laws to rid them of their problems instead. If you are reading this, then you are living, unlike the millions that don't get that chance!" NJB, Apr.

"There is no reason at all for abortion! I don't want nothing bad to happen to babies! If my mom had an abortion i would not be here... If people want a child they should not be having sex! A child's life is way more important. It doesn't matter if you where raped or not, a child's life is 40 trillions times more important than mine." John, Apr. 22, 2010